About us

In Finland, a citizen’s municipality of domicile is responsible for arranging public social and health services. The municipality of residence of the user of medical services is responsible for the medical costs. In special health care and in the special care of the mentally disabled, municipalities must belong to a federation of municipalities, which arranges these services together with the municipalities. The federation of municipalities is responsible for arranging emergency medical services and urgent care and for the care of patients referred to such care. The member municipalities of Kanta-Häme Hospital District are Forssa, Hausjärvi, Hattula, Humppila, Hämeenlinna, Janakkala, Jokioinen, Loppi, Riihimäki, Tammela and Ypäjä.

EU citizens have a right to receive services at the same principles.

For more information, please contact us:

Street address: Parantolankatu 6, 13530 Hämeenlinna, Finland
Operator: +358 (0)3 6291
Fax: +358 (0)3 629 3240
Patient record archive, fax:  +358 (0)3 629 2050

e-mail: kirjaamo.erikoissairaanhoito(at)omahame.fi

Street address: Kontiontie 77, 11120 Riihimäki, Finland
Postal code: PL 140, 11101 Riihimäki, Finland
Operator: +358 (0)19 744 51
Fax: +358  (0)19 744 5390
Patient record archive, fax: +358 (0)19 744 5246

e-mail: omahame(at)omahame).fi

Emergency department

General emergency number: 112

Hämeenlinna (24/7): 116 117

(8 am to 10 pm): 116 117

Forssa area: Forssan seudun hyvinvointikuntayhtymä

Invoicing address to Kanta-Hämeen hyvinvointialue

E-invoicing address 003732213078
Operator Telia Finland Oyj
ID number 003703575029
VAT number FI32213078

In case you aren´t able to deliver e-invoices, you can send invoices to our invoicing address:

Kanta-Hämeen hyvinvointialue
PL 299